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What it is Like to be Men With Erectile Dysfunction 2021?

Every day, millions of men with erectile dysfunction live a life of unfulfillment because of this disorder. However Erectile Dysfunction is a common medical condition which affects so many men that it’s numbers are off the charts and most go untreated due to the shame and embarrassment that men face when discussing this issue.  If you are lucky enough not to experience this issue yet just imagine feeling like you are not a whole person, not able to fullfill desires of your partner in bed and feeling self conscious about your sexual powers and who you are as a man.   There is no other disorder that can create such mental havoc and destruction on the lives of people suffering from Erectile Dysfunction, as well as destroying relationships as every healthy relationship requires a certain amount of sexual activity to remain in a healthy and happy relationship. 

What is Erectile Dysfunction?

If you are wondering what is erectile dysfunction, this is a disorder that can be easily defined in laymen terms. For men with ED, the characteristics include the inability to achieve or maintain an erection, as well as overall sexual dysfunction, low libido, poor testosterone levels, etc. If any of these aforementioned conditions applies to your life, you may very well be suffering from erectile dysfuctnion.

What’s The Number of Men With Erectile Dysfunction in the United States (USA) ?

Tragically, the numbers of men suffering is huge and growing every day as aging is the largest contributing factor to the cause of erectile dysfunction.   In the United States of American alone it is estimated to be well over 35 million men admit to having Erectile Dysfunction; however as 90% of men with ED do not seek treatment the real numbers are much much larger and will never be truly known as most men are ashamed to admit and seek help in treating their Erectile Dysfunction.  

Four Common Traits of Erectile Dysfunction in Men

If you are wondering what is ED and whether or not that you have it, there are some classic signs of erectile dysfunction in men.  Your doctor is the only one who can tell you for certain. However, this checklist may help you to better determine if you have ED (Impotence)or not.

  • You are not able to get an erection (Impotence).
  • When you get an erection it doesn’t last for long time.
  • You suffer from premature ejaculation.
  • You have a low sex drive or poor libido.
  • Your erection is soft and not hard
  • Your erection is not full erect

If you ever suffer from any of these you might have Erectile Dysfunction and products from Sunrise Remedies can assist you in achieving a healthy sexual lifestyle.  Please consult your doctor and ask if our products can assist you.